domingo, 20 de abril de 2008


Esta de moda eso de la igualdad, aunque ZP haya restringido el concepto.
La nueva Ministra esta aún más de moda, será que es andaluza, aunque sea Andalucía quién más votos le mete al PSOE o será porque es jóven, aunque pertenezca a uno de los clanes más rancios y sectarios del PSOE andaluz "el clan Alcalá".
Pero navegando por la blogosfera me encuentro un comentario al respecto que versaba, más o menos, "si igualdad iba a ser sólo entre hombres y mujeres o también iba a haber igualdad entre Comunidades Autónomas".
Pues nada yo que también soy jóven y, por suerte, no me he sentido en desigualdad con mis compañeros "hombres", sí por ser andaluza me he sentido profundamente desigual.
Así que gracias a ZP y su Ministra Aido seguire siendo mujer "igual" pero andaluza "desigual".
P.D.: Ministra 2.0 versus Concejal 2.0

1 comentario:

borjabrela dijo...

Thanks for your comments: they are very interesting. Let's have a look at them.

1. A.Antonio Sanz prepares the list of candidates of PP in Andalucia. B.Antonio Sanz speaks up and requests explanations from Esperanza Aguirre. C. It is pretty easy to think that the establishment in the PP-A will push their people a bit. D. I'm happy to know that you haven't been approached. It isn't conclusive, but it's a good sign.

2. A.Rajoy has been leader of the only posible list for 2 Spanish elections. B. After 2 weeks without showing his face after the elections he lost, he stands up again for a third opportunity. C. Gosh, that makes it difficult to disagree, but the lack of debate doesn't help PP.
3. A. There is a huge difference between ideological currents and families. B. Ideological currents are people who are linked because they share similar ideas and thus they are called in line with the main idea (say, libertarians, communists, conservatives). C. Families are precisely those ones linked only by the names and the loyalty to their leaders and that is why they are called "Leader's name+ista" (say, Guerrista, Felipista, Corleonista and, from now on, Rajoista). D. I like ideological currents, I dislike families.

4. A. Barons are part of families. B. They give stability, but might turn into caciquism.

5. A. What media has changed opinion? Cope/Razon/LD dislike Gallardon and supported Aguirre now and then. B. ABC/Pais/Ser prefer Gallardon and charged against Aguirre now and then. C. It should raise suspicions that your rival (Prisoe) praises someone on your team and wants to make that person powerful in your team.

6. A. Experience is a plus. B. PP's people and current management should pay attention to what PP's finest (and only victorius so far) people have to say.

7. A. Braveness is not promoted in politics. B. Submission and ass-licking is rewarded most times.

8. A. PP's rivals are laughing a lot. B. Just like PP's people laughed at PSOE's problems between 1996 and 2004.

9. A. There is no ideological debate, only a fight of wills. B. One person-one vote democratic style has one downside: That one with stronger support will win, not necessarily that one with greater worthiness. C. PP's people should behave always looking for Spaniards' interests, not for the Party's interest (what difference would there be with other parties (PSOE included) then?).

10. Thank God that's personal and secret until you decide to disclose it.

Love and freedom.